Gianguido Dall'Agata
Home Institution:
February 1997: Laurea in Physics (Magna cum Laude), University of Padua, Italy (Adv. Prof. K. Lechner )
December 2000: Ph. D. in Physics, University of Turin, Italy (Adv. Prof. R. D'Auria )
2000-2004: EU and DFG fellow at the von Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
2004-2006: CERN Fellow, Geneva, Switzerland
Since 2006: Permanent Staff Member at the University of Padua, Italy
Sep 2009, Jan-Feb 2010: CNRS Associated Researcher, LPT, Ecole normale superieure, Paris, France
"2008 SIGRAV PRIZE" of the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation