July 1978: Laurea in Electrical Engineering (Magna cum Laude), U. Roma "La Sapienza" (Adv. Prof. B. Crosignani and Prof. P. Di Porto)
May 1979: M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Caltech (USA)
May 1983: Ph. D. in Physics, Caltech (USA) (Adv. Prof. J.H. Schwarz)
1983-1984: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Caltech, USA
1984-1986: Miller Research Fellow, U. California, Berkeley, USA
1986-1993: Assistant Professor, U. Roma "Tor Vergata"
1994-1999: Associate Professor, U. Roma "Tor Vergata"
2000-2005: Professor, U. Roma "Tor Vergata"
Since 2005: Professor, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
"Premo Carosio", U. Roma "La Sapienza, 1979
"Miller Fellowship", U. California, Berkeley, USA, 1984
"1994 SIGRAV PRIZE" of the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation
"Andrejewski Lecturer", Humboldt University, Berlin, 1999