Fifth Joint Seminar - November 4, 2010

Sezione INFN
Università di Torino
Via Pietro Giuria, 1
I-10125 TORINO
Seminars will take place in Aula Franzinetti
11:30 |
Team Meeting |
14:15 |
Welcome address |
14:30 |
L. Dixon, «Scattering Amplitudes in Maximal Supersymmetry and for Backgrounds to Supersymmetry at the LHC»
On-shell scattering amplitudes have a multitude of applications. At a practical
level, they are needed to quantify Standard Model backgrounds to searches for
supersymmetry at the LHC. In maximally supersymmetric theories, they have
helped unveil new symmetries such as dual conformal invariance in N=4 super-Yang-Mills
theory, and the remarkably good ultraviolet behavior of N=8 supergravity. In many cases,
the most efficient way to compute amplitudes is using "on-shell" methods,
which reconstruct (multi)-loop amplitudes from lower-point and lower-leg
amplitudes using unitarity and factorization properties. I will present an
overview of these techniques and highlight some recent applications ranging
from phenomenology to supergravity.
15:30 |
E. Sokatchev, «Scattering amplitudes: Symmetries and dualities»
We discuss different aspects of scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.
We review their hidden dynamical symmetries and the ways they can restrict the form of the amplitudes,
possibly leading to the full integrability of the theory. We also discuss the duality between amplitudes and
light-like Wilson loops, as well as the recently discovered new duality with superconformal correlation
functions of local BPS operators in the singular light-cone limit.
16:30 |
Coffee break |
17:00 |
A. Tomasiello, «Phases of massive IIA string theory»
The so-called "massive" version of IIA string theory is characterized by a non-vanishing Ramond--Ramond flux F_0
(the flux with no indices). This built-in mass parameter helps in several applications; for example, in producing
compactifications without massless scalars (in other words, in "stabilizing the moduli").
We review in this talk recent progress in understanding this theory. A crucial point is the quantization of the mass parameter.
This manifests itself in holographic duals as the quantization of a certain Chern-Simons level. This can then be used to argue
that massive IIA classical solutions can never get strongly coupled. In particular, the massive theory doesn't generate an
"M-theory" eleventh dimension, unlike its massless counterpart; this answers a long-standing question.
18:00 |
End of the Meeting |
20:30 |
Social dinner |