Massimo Bianchi
Home Institution:
October 1985: Laurea in Physics (Magna cum Laude), U. Roma "La Sapienza" (Advs. Proff. R. Ruffini and F. Guerra)
1986-1988: INFN Fellow, Roma (Italy) 1990-1991: Researcher at ENEA, Bracciano (Italy)
March 1992: Ph. D. in Physics, U. Roma "La Sapienza" (Adv. Prof. A. Sagnotti)
1991-1998: Researcher Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma, (Italy)
Since 1998: Associate Professor Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma, (Italy)
"Enrico Persico" prize, 1985
"1994 SIGRAV PRIZE" of the Italian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation
"Raychaudhuri Lecture" Indian Institute of Technology, Calcutta, 2006